I’m excited to
spend some time with fantasy novelist Marsha A. Moore in the forum today. She
is not only talented, she is also quite busy, so before she runs off to a
yoga class or to meet her editor, we better get startedJ.
Greaton: Thanks so much for being here with us, Marsha. We’ve talked about
doing an interview for a while, and I’m really excited that our schedules
finally meshed. I’m willing to bet our readers would be surprised at your
journey to become a novelist. Could you tell us a little about that?
Marsha A. Moore: I’ve followed a
circuitous path to end up as a fiction writer. I graduated with a degree in Biology,
minoring in English. I wanted to pursue Literature and Fine Art, but my
parents encouraged me to study Biology, so I might eventually find a reliable
job. That was fine, since I liked that subject also. I wrote essays as a fun
break from my full load of Science. Yes, weird that I thought writing essays
was fun…still do! Then, I headed into grad school studying Dentistry. Four
years later, I decided although I was excelling, it just wasn’t my calling. I
changed gears and taught high school Biology for seventeen years, getting my
Masters in Secondary Education.
Along the way, I picked up a hobby of
writing music reviews for record companies. During that time, I was inspired
by some of those experiences and tinkered with fiction. Initially, I wrote
fiction based on the world of rock music. Through a lucky happenstance, a man
who worked for a major book publishing house read my first attempts at
fiction, which were posted on a music forum. He repeatedly encouraged me to
submit my creative writing. Over time, I came to believe him and did. After
that, a new world opened up and it’s been a wonderful time.
Greaton: Quite a few years ago, I read a series of biographies about Teddy
Roosevelt, and one of the most memorable things about him was how he seemed
to be torn equally and almost obsessively between physical and intellectual interests.
You remind me a lot of him in that way. I’ll let you explain what I meanJ
Marsha A. Moore: I have many hobbies
and they often shift into part-time careers. I’ve been a yoga addict for
thirteen years and just recently registered for a 200-hour year-long yoga
teacher certification course. I’m thrilled to embark on learning more about
one of my interests that has slowly become a huge part of my life. I’m
excited to see what journeys will come from that training.
My other active hobbies include
kayaking and cycling, which I do weekly, year round. I live in Tampa, which
makes that possible. I love the beach and do my best writing there. I have a
host of creative hobbies: drawing, watercolor painting, knitting, jewelry
making. I also manage to squeeze in reading time for books on fantasy,
magical realism, and spiritual guidance.
I also make time to study Tibetan Buddhism.
I took refuge in that faith many years ago and attend a wonderful local
Greaton: I understand that meditation is sometimes like plugging into pure
creativity but you started tapping a creative vein long before your journey
toward Buddhism. What’s that like?
Marsha A. Moore: I get a lot of
positive and amazed comments about my imagination, usually, “Where do you get
these ideas?” or “You are talented storyteller,” or “How do you drive with
all these wild ideas in your head?” I honestly have no idea—it’s just me and
how I think. I see odd stuff in nature, like portals and strange
creatures. I’ve been this way as long
as I can remember. It does make for some great tales though!
Greaton: I’ve heard rumors that you tap a strong well of reality when you
write. Is that true?
Marsha A. Moore: Reality always forms
the framework of how my characters interact in my stories. Actually, since my
current work in progress is book three of a five-part series, the more I look
at this story, the more of myself I see. My heroine, Lyra, is very much
connected to me. Even in the first chapter of the first book, the childhood
memories brought to her mind by Cullen’s magical tea are actually all mine.
How Lyra interacts with her Aunt Jean has been a way for me to work through
my own issues with my mother’s failing health. Some scenes intentionally
connect to my own experiences, like those, and others surprise me much later
when I’m polishing my draft to send to my editor. I shake my head and hope no
one other than my crit partners can identify the similarities.
Greaton: I know from experience that writing fantasy can be extremely
time-consuming. Could you explain why that is and what your specific writing
method is like?
Marsha A. Moore: My process begins with a setting I find
interesting, somewhere I’d like to spend some time. In writing fantasy,
world-building is everything. Then, I create the main characters, appearance
and personality. From there, how they will become involved goes hand-in-hand
with developing the plot. I do outline a lot, since there are many interwoven
subplots in this series. This series is epic in scope, and details would get
lost if I didn’t plan. Outside of the key features on the outline, I do allow
the in-between progress in each chapter to flow freely, which I enjoy a lot.
Some of the most imaginative bits arise that way. In terms of evolution, I tend to write more
now in extended spurts, immersing myself in the story. I find that works better for me than
routine, short daily sessions. Perhaps because I’m writing a very involved
epic tale, I need longer periods to keep the storylines straight. Regardless,
it’s more enjoyable for me to feel like I’m in the world for several days,
rather than popping in for an hour.
Greaton: Whenever I hear you talk about your critique circle, I remember how
much I miss the local groups I used to attend many years ago. What’s your
circle like?
Marsha A. Moore: I love my critique
group. My crit partners are my best friends. They keep me motivated, cheer
with me for my successes, and support me when any hardships come along. My
group is local, through the Florida Writers Association. I think it’s
extremely important to find a local crit group rather than working only
online. We benefit so much from collectively brainstorming how to solve
everyone’s writing problems.
Greaton: Though I’d love to talk about your background and methods a lot
longer, I know our readers are equally anxious to hear about your latest
novel and the series it’s based in. Could you enlighten us?
Marsha A. Moore: The Enchanted
Bookstore Legends are about Lyra McCauley, a woman destined to become
one of five strong women in her family who possess unique magical abilities
and serve as Scribes in Dragonspeir. The Scribes span a long history, dating
from 1200 to present day. Each Scribe is expected to journey through
Dragonspeir, both the good and evil factions, then draft a written account.
Each book contains magic with vast implications.
Lyra was first introduced to Dragonspeir as a young girl, when she
met the high sorcerer, Cullen Drake, through a gift of one of those enchanted
books. Using its magic, he escorted her into the parallel world of
Dragonspeir. Years later, she lost that volume and forgot the world and
Cullen. These legends begin where he finds her again—she is thirty-five,
standing in his enchanted bookstore, and Dragonspeir needs her.
When Lyra reopens that enchanted book, she confronts a series of
quests where she is expected to save the good Alliance from destruction by
the evil Black Dragon. While
learning about her role, Lyra and Cullen fall in love. He is 220 years old
and kept alive by Dragonspeir magic. Cullen will die if Dragonspeir is taken
over by the evil faction…Lyra becomes the Scribe.
In Heritage Avenged: Enchanted Bookstore Legend Two, Lyra
McCauley receives an alarming letter from the coroner who evaluated her
deceased aunt, originally thought to have died of cancer. The news causes
Lyra to take leave from her job and travel from sunny Tampa to the frozen
island community in northern Michigan. Questioning whether Dragonspeir magic
was responsible for her aunt’s death, she resolves to learn the truth and
accepts the Imperial Dragon’s appointment into the Alliance sorcery training.
Additionally, becoming proficient in magic craft is the only way she
can bridge the gap between her mortal human world and her lover’s. Cullen, a
220-year-old wizard, is dependent upon his Dragonspeir magic for immortality.
He is her only family now; she cannot lose him.
Evil forces block her and try to steal her inherited scribal aura.
Riding a stealth dragon, a cloaked rider pursues Lyra. Both the Alliance and
Dark Realm alchemists lay tricks and traps. Her aura equals that of the first
and most powerful Scribe, but will Lyra’s novice training allow her to
discover the truth…and find a life with Cullen? Or will the Dark Realm keep
them apart?
Greaton: What led you to tell this particular story?
Marsha A. Moore: The Enchanted Bookstore Legends
are basically a fantasy lover’s dream, being able to step into a
favorite book as a character. I know my initial inspiration came after
watching the recent Tim Burton Alice in Wonderland movie. From that, I wanted
to work with parallel worlds and have a heroine who must save the fantasy
world from danger. But, I wanted it to be more adult in order to deal with
more complex feelings. Beyond that, I just see fantasy stories all around me.
It comes naturally.
Greaton: You’ve already mentioned that there will be five books in this
series. What else can we expect on the Marsha A. Moore horizonJ?
Marsha A. Moore: I’m currently
finishing up writing the third Enchanted Bookstore Legen: Lost Volumes.
I’m expecting a September release for that book. I’ve also been planning a
new series. I like to think about my plans for a new book or series over
several months, fitting the pieces together.
I write epic fantasy with romantic
elements and will likely do more in that subgenre. I also enjoy reading magical realism,
mythpunk, and mythic fiction—all subgenres that sit on the border between
fantasy and literary fiction. I expect my writing will shift in that
direction over time.
I like the complexity of fantasy, the feeling of being transported
into another world. However, most fantasy books are written for young adults.
In my reading, I longed to find more fantasies written for adults. The
element of romance I include is far less about adding sex than about adding
deeper connections between the hero and heroine, allowing them to be more
three-dimensional and work with more complex issues.
Greaton: Knowing you as the avid reader you are, I wonder which authors have
influenced your work and why?
Marsha A. Moore: I loved Gulliver’s Travels by Jonathan Swift.
The symbolism is amazing; the more you read, the more layers you find.
Inspired by that, I like to hide things in my stories.
From the present, picking one book is too hard. The Harry Potter series is one of my
all-time favorites. Again, the layering of hidden plots, which spin to
completion later in the series, really captures my imagination. The last few
books that really pulled me in were Natasha Mostert’s Season of the Witch and Erin Morgenstern’s Night Circus. In both of those, magic caused mental effects for
both the giver and receiver. I enjoy the complexity of that theme and employ
it myself in a very different way. My heroine, Lyra, must learn to mentally
control her vast inherited powers as the new Scribe. That is something she
struggles to master through the series.
Greaton: For most of us, getting the initial foundation of a story down is
the biggest challenge. That hasn’t been quite true for you, though, has it?
Marsha A. Moore: You’re right. I didn’t struggle with the first two books
of these Enchanted Bookstore Legends,
but had a difficult time finding what internal conflict my heroine needed to
deal with in the third book. I actually had to live it, pass through a
difficult experience in my own life with the recent passing of my mother, in
order to see what the character needed to do. That was a real moment of
discovery for me since I’d been too close to the forest to see the trees,
Greaton: I understand if you could start breeding a certain species from your
book series, you would have a very successful pet store. Could you explain to
our readers what I meanJ?
Marsha A. Moore: The Enchanted Bookstore Legends make a
truly epic tale with a large and wonderful cast of otherworldly characters,
including many talking animals. My main
characters, Lyra and Cullen, must attempt difficulties that stretch their
abilities over numerous quests. But, my secondary characters often bring
laughter and lighten their loads, or encourage their strengths to persevere.
I’m in the middle of writing the third book, Lost Volumes, so by now
the personalities of my secondary animal characters really shine and they
feel very real to me. I’m especially fond of my dragons, but one type stands
out as a favorite—pseudodragons.
Pseudodragons are not true dragons. They are much smaller, being
only three feet long, including their tails. In my legends, we get to know
the pseudodragon Cullen keeps as his wizard’s familiar—a typical role for
this species. His name is Noba, and he’s a tiny burgundy-colored pseudodragon
who has a heart of gold that makes people melt. He always manages to find
some mischief. I smile thinking about him. He helped Lyra raise a dragon
hatchling. She had no idea what to do with a baby dragon. Noba was great and
made every minute fun! Lots of readers tell me they want a pseudodragon of their
own now!
Greaton: It would be great if you could share your website/blogsite and links
to where our audience could directly communicate with you and purchase your stories.
Marsha A. Moore:
Website: http://MarshaAMoore.com
Twitter: http://twitter.com/MarshaAMoore
Faction staff page: http://fantasy-faction.com/staff-members?uid=38
author page http://www.goodreads.com/marshaamoore
Greaton: Thanks, Marsha, for fitting us in your schedule today. I really had
a great time.
Marsha A. Moore: Thank you so much for
taking time to chat with me about all things writing. It’s fun to share what
inspires my creativity, and being here with you and your readers has been
presenting the most talented authors, artists and business people living and working in our world today.
Tuesday, July 24, 2012
Interview with fascinating fantasy novelist Marsha A. Moore, author of the "Enchanted Bookstore Legend" series...
Thursday, July 19, 2012
Interview with Sheenah Freitas author of two YA fantasy novels and a collection of shorts...
We have a
wonderful young author with us in the forum today. Sheenah
Freitas is only in her twenties but she has already published two novels and
a collection of short stories. Having read “The
Chosen,” which is the first book in her Zincian Legend fantasy series, I’ve
been anxious to hear about her next release.
Tim Greaton: Sheenah, you and I have a lot of friends in
common. I often hear you talking with many of them about cooking and a ton of
other fabulous hobbies. Could you tell us about some of them?
Freitas: I love the arts and crafty projects. I think they’re fun and
oftentimes relaxing. Like when I’m on a writer’s block, I enjoy kicking
everyone out of the kitchen and baking up some goodies. Not only am I
stepping away to look at my work in progress objectively, but waiting on
cookies to finish often gives me enough time to figure out any problems. I’ve
also taught myself web design/graphic design and sewing. The former has been
a great help in regards to putting together a platform and covers. The
latter, however, is more or less so I can modify and make my own clothes and
the occasional cosplay (one is never too old to play dress-up, right?).
Tim Greaton: Having read “The
Chosen,” which is the first book in your Zincian Legend fantasy series, I
can say I was really surprised at the variety of characters and creatures you
were able to successfully bring into one story. But you hear another
compliment even more often, don’t you?
Freitas: People usually say, “Oh, I was so impressed by the quality of your
writing and you’re so young!” I’m glad that they enjoy the work and it’s fun
to give the readers something they’re not quite expecting. I think if readers
stumble upon my pictures (or meet me in person) and then learn I’m an author,
they’re a bit leery because they think they’re going to be reading some sort
of bubble-gum-Twilight-novel with terrible grammar and lack of story, but
that’s hardly the case. I do write the occasional bubble-gum short story, but
I’ve yet to write a bubble-gum novel.
Tim Greaton: I know you recently released “Musings
from Yesteryear,” a collection of your short stories. Do you have other works
waiting to be released or is it more of a stack of stories you will likely
never revisit?
Freitas: Don’t we all have a drawer full of “not quite there” work and
half-finished manuscripts? I don’t have a stack, per-se, but I do have a file
of work that need some definite work and I have a notebook full of story
ideas. If you would’ve asked me two months ago about my projects never seeing
the light of day, I would’ve answered that many of my short stories would
never, ever make their way into the hands of readers. And yet now they are in
the hands of readers! So, I think with time my old projects will see the
light of the day.
Tim Greaton: You have a unique way to prepare for a
writing project. Could you tell us about it and maybe talk about how your
methods have evolved?
Freitas: I’m a very visual person, so often times I need to see a scene or
character or place before I can properly describe it. Because of that, my
system is similar to an animation storyboard. I make my outline of events and
as I start to work on the first draft, I’ll start adding sketches of scenes,
characters, and places to help me get a better grasp of what I’m writing.
Even though I’m transferring this mental image I have into a sketch, I feel
that it really helps me when I write to get all the nitty-gritty details
down. I used to have to do constant revisions to get everything down pat, but
now I can get it all down in three drafts because I know what I’m looking for
now when I make my self-edits.
Tim Greaton: I understand you have one particularly tough
first reader. What’s that like?
Freitas: I know people are always saying to never ever let your family beta
read for you because they’re not going to want to be 100% honest because they
don’t want to hurt your feelings. However, I let my dad beta read for me.
He’s brutally honest. Maybe a little too brutal, haha. There have been times
where I turn into a melodramatic teenager and slam doors and throw myself
onto beds or the couch and cry and pout over some changes he’s suggested. And
once I’ve come back to my senses (a few hours or after another viewing of Beauty and the Beast) I realize that
most of the changes make sense and the ones I don’t agree with, we can
usually come up with some sort of compromise.
Tim Greaton: I’ve been anxious to talk about your latest
release, which is the second book in your Zincian Legend fantasy series. Could
you tell us about it?
Freitas: The
Number is my most recent novel, and as you mentioned it’s the sequel
to The
Chosen. The novel starts five years after the events in The
Chosen, so the characters are naturally older and wiser. With age,
Kaia, the main character, really gains a new maturity of her current
situation and finally realizes that she shouldn’t be running away from her
destiny. She re-enlists her friends’ help and they continue on their journey
where they left off. The tone is quite a bit darker from its predecessor with
a world war looming over the horizon.
Tim Greaton: Do you think of yourself as always writing in
just one genre, and how do you think that influences the decisions you make
about your stories/novels?
Freitas: At the moment, I think of myself as a young adult writer. After I
finish with my current trilogy, there’s another young adult book that I wish
to write. But after that, who knows? I love to read great stories no matter
what genre they’re labeled in, so I think eventually I’ll expand on that.
Because as much as I love the voice and tone of young adult books, I don’t
think I could stick exclusively to that area of books forever. I want to
continue writing stories, no matter where they take me.
Tim Greaton: I usually like to toss out a wild and fun “what
if” question. Let’s say you had an unlimited
advertising budget, how would you spend it to get your books noticed right
Freitas: I’ve always thought it would be great to do something like a flashmob.
Except I want to do a flash scene, musical style. I’m thinking I go down to
Times Square and right in the middle of all the hubbub, I set up a stage and
for at least 3 days, nothing will happen. By the time day 4 comes around,
most people would have forgotten that there’s a stage there and when they
least expect it…BAM! My actors will appear and start performing a scene that
I (with the help of a composer and lyricist) musical-ized. There will be
confetti and posters of my book exploding out of seemingly nowhere at the end
of the climatic song and then we’ll take the stage and move it out amongst
the applause. And we can only hope that someone would’ve recorded it and
uploaded it to Youtube and it becomes a viral sensation!
Tim Greaton: It would be great if you could share your
website/blogsite and links to where our audience could directly communicate
with you and purchase your stories.
Twitter: @SheenahFreitas Facebook: http://on.fb.me/Nhp4J4 Buy the book at Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B004VFN1WO ![]() ![]() ![]() Tim Greaton: Thanks for taking the time with us today, Sheenah. It’s been great getting to know you and your work a little better. I know that a lot of our readers really enjoyed spending time with you as well.
Freitas: Thank you so much for having me on your forum, Tim. I’d also like to
thank everyone else for reading this far~! I hope you enjoy my work. J
Friday, July 13, 2012
Interview with fascinating and fun children's author, Martha Rodriguez...
Today, in the forum, we have Martha
Rodriguez, a wonderful children’s book author, game inventor and
international chef…or would that be cook? Anyway, I’m looking forward to
learning more about her and her books “A
Reel Cool Summer,” and “Smell
My Feet! 10 Seriously Silly and Sweet Short Stories for Squirts.”
Tim Greaton: Martha, it is truly a pleasure to have you
here today in the forum. I’m especially looking forward to you sharing a
little about your heritage.
Rodriguez: Thanks for having me, Tim.
I'm very excited to be here!
Well, let's see. I was born in
Havana, Cuba, and came to the United States with my family at the age of
three. I know how difficult it was for
my parents and grandparents to leave family and friends behind, not to
mention the country they loved. Their
goal was simple: to provide a better life for my brother and me. For that we will always be grateful.
Tim Greaton: I heard a rumor that you are responsible for helping
a lot of friends and families, yours included, spend more time together.
Could you tell us about that?
Rodriguez: As a tribute to our family and our Cuban heritage, my brother,
sister (born in the US), and I created a board game of Cuban trivia about 15
years ago called ¡Ay mi Cuba! What were we thinking? Well, we were
thinking that if we could get about 10 or 15 Cubans sitting around a table
answering questions about Cuba, most likely, laughter, yelling, and fights
(all in good fun) would quickly ensue!
We were right! What a
blast! To our surprise we sold 5,000
copies of that game in two years. Do
we know our Cubans, or what?
Tim Greaton: We all have important people who help to shape
our lives. I know of a particularly wonderful person who makes you smile
every time you talk about her. You know who I mean, don’t you?
Rodriguez: Abuela (my maternal grandmother) was someone who had a very
special spirit about her. She was such
a happy and loving person that bad stuff couldn't touch her -- not that it
didn't try. One of my fondest memories of her is of the time she went to a
Julio Iglesias concert at the age of 70.
Although her tickets were toward the back of the concert hall, she
walked up to the stage and blew kisses at Julito, as she used to call him, and
told him how much she adored him. She
loved to tell that story... oh, yeah, and the story about how she used to
jump over barrels on roller skates when she was a kid. That was my favorite one. She was an amazing person who taught me to
love life, no matter what it brings. I
keep her memory alive by telling my children about what a great gift she was
to me. Maybe, if I'm lucky, someday my
kids will speak about me in the same way to their children and grandchildren. What a blessing that would be.
Tim Greaton: What kinds of books do you read? Are they in
the same genres in which you write?
Rodriguez: My favorite genre is non-fiction.
Give me a book about history, politics, religion or a biography and
I'm happy. I will read other genres on
occasion but it's very rare. I don't write
non-fiction books but I do incorporate the personalities of some of the
people in my life into my writing. I
have many silly family members to inspire me so there is a smidge of truth to
my characters and stories.
Tim Greaton: People often say that kids from your stories
are so convincing. One reviewer of your picture book said, “"The
dialogue is written to sound like children really talk. Parents might cringe
but kids will love it." How do you feel about that?
Martha Rodriguez: Success! I have three children of my own (now grown)
and many nieces and nephews. I know
that children do not speak like adults.
They have a unique way of expressing themselves that is very refreshing
to me. I appreciate that my readers understand that as well. It's great to get that kind of response
when it's exactly what you are going for.
Tim Greaton: I’ve been fortunate to meet some of the most
talented authors working today, yourself included, Martha, and I’m always
fascinated to hear about the many writing systems they use. What is yours
Rodriguez: I'm supposed to have a writing system? Nobody told me that! It's true, I don't have a system, I just
write when ideas come to me. Sometimes
they are brought about by writing prompts and other times by true events or
the many "characters" in my life.
When an idea comes to me, I sit down at my computer and type
away. I don't worry about errors or
sentence structure or order, I just type what my brain tells me to and then I
go back and organize everything. Hey,
I guess I do have a system. Who knew?
Tim Greaton: I heard there is a bit of bribery involved in
the final stages of your story completionsJ. Can
you explain?
Rodriguez: I mostly follow my own instincts and have shelved many stories
because of it. The ones I think can
move forward I ask my hubby to read.
He always does so willingly and always with great feedback about
tweaks. I think he enjoys it... or
maybe he just does it for the Cuban food.
Either way, I'm glad he's my beta reader (and my biggest fan!). Gotta keep those fans happy! Tonight's menu: Picadillo, arroz blanco, frijoles
negros y platanitos maduros frito.
Tim Greaton: Even though you do a fabulous job with your
books, I once heard you reject the label of “writer.” Why would you do that?
Rodriguez: I haven't gotten to the point where I think of myself as a
"writer." I'm more like a
wife and mom who happens to have written a picture book and some
stories. I know how important it is for
kids to spend time with their parents and I want to write books that families
can enjoy together. I want my books to
be the ones with the creased pages, ketchup stains, and tape (or, these days,
the ones toward the top of the Kindle list).
When our kids were little, those were the books that were part of the
family, you know, the ones that went through the wringer with us. I want my books to go through the wringer!
Tim Greaton: I’m willing to bet a lot of our readers are
already familiar with your fabulous picture book “A
Reel Cool Summer,” so what I’d like to talk about today is your most
recent book “Smell
My Feet! 10 Seriously Silly and Sweet Short Stories for Squirts.”
Rodriguez: Eight of the 10 stories in “Smell My Feet!” were originally published on my blog and two
had been hidden away for a while. They
begged me to release them into the wild so I did. The stories are great for 7- to 10-year-olds
to read on their own or are equally nice for families to read together.
Tim Greaton: What led you to tell these particular stories?
Rodriguez: I started to realize that many of the short stories I was writing
were about relationships between family members or friends. Many were brought about by memories of my
own childhood and how important those relationships were to me. I envisioned children and parents reading the
stories together and talking about how Uncle So-and-so might be like one
character or how a little brother or a silly friend might be like
another. I liked the idea that they
would be able to relate to the characters in that way.
Tim Greaton: How did you decide on the atmosphere for
these stories?
Rodriguez: I don't think I chose the tone of the stories as much as they chose
me. They are the warm and fuzzy things
that make me feel at ease and the silly and goofy things that make me smile
Tim Greaton: Maybe it has something to do with my creeping up on the looming "50" mark, but I tend to be asking
more and more about epitaphs lately. I’d hate to leave you out, so maybe you
could tell us what your tombstone might say at the end of your very long,
very successful journey through life?
Rodriguez: I would like my tombstone to read...
many characters can I put on this thing? What? That's less than Twitter!
#frustrating #cantanoldladygetsomerespectaroundhere
Tim Greaton: I should have known you’d leave everyone
smiling even after you’re gone. It would be great if you could share your
website/blogsite and links to where our audience could directly communicate
with you and purchase your stories.
Rodriguez: More information about my books A
Reel Cool Summer and Smell
My Feet! can be found on my self-publishing website, http://www.readtomepublishingllc.com. I'm always happy to hear from fellow
authors and readers at martha@readtomepublishingllc.com. Several other places to keep up with my
goings-on are my blog, http://areelcoolsummer.blogspot.com
and Twitter, @areelcoolsummer or @smellmyfeetbook.
Tim Greaton: Thanks for taking the time with me today,
Martha. You’ve been amazing and fun.
Rodriguez: Again, I want to thank you from the bottom of my smelly feet...
er, from the bottom of my heart, Tim, for inviting me to be on your blog. It's an honor to be here with you, your
loyal audience and so many fellow authors whom I've met on-line here and
there and everywhere. I'm truly
grateful to you for giving me the opportunity to connect with them!
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